Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Management Note


NO REGISTRATION NEEDED.. but you can register anyway xD
thanks nelson for helping making the skin orange!!! hahahah


Hey everyone~ as usual, being a crazy bunch of people, we have thought of another project. We are going to do a project that can last till Shinhwa comes back (or even longer). It's a completely no-stress project.

It's called
Shinhwa Forever http://shinhwa-forever.blogspot.com/

So these are what we have:

- 신화의 이야기 Shinhwa's Story - know more about our boys Shinhwa

- 팬 사진 Fan Pictures -
where you can post fan-made pics or interesting pics of you supporting Shinhwa in action

- 팬 비디오 Fan Video -
where you can post fan-made videos or any videos of you supporting Shinhwa in action

- 팬픽 Fan-Fics -
where you can fantasize about Shinhwa

- 팬 메시지 Messages -
where you may write your love notes to Shinhwa

- 어떻게 신화를 "만났어요"? How I 'Met' Shinhwa? -
tell us how you know Shinhwa

- 신화의 사진 Shinhwa Pictures -
where you can post interesting Shinhwa pics

- 신화의 비디오 Shinhwa Video -
where you can post interesting Shinhwa videos

- 우리의 가죽 Our Family -
for identification of particular Shinhwa member fans

- 고맙워 공주 Thank You, Princesses -
title speaks it all!

- 다운로드 Downloads -
from our Commemorating Shinhwa's 11th website

- 깃발, 머리글, 아이콘 Banners, Headers, Icons -
let's help to promote this blog!

- 일 Jobs -
feel free to join in the team if you want!

- 지침서 Tutorials -
need help to familiarise this blog? You got it here!

- 견해 및 제안 Ideas and Suggestions -
How can we improve this blog? Tell us!

Pages to Come:

- Topic + Member of the Month -
I need more info on what's this about~!! hahahha

For the video page, please tell me if you allow us to link your channel and that will be where our videos will be from.

So I am requesting for all dedicated fans to join in~ just PM me your email address.

PS: once I grant you admin privileges, means I trust you, add anything you like~ be it pictures, video, pages, more authors etc~ don't have to ask for permission :)

If you want to add things but you don't know how, feel free to ask me or anyone else. We are one big family, We won't bite~ xD

PPS: for any picture uploads, please name the image with the word "Shinhwa" in it.. I don't know how to explain why but it helps in the positioning of the website on searches.


- Nicole aka iLuvHyesung :)
